A strong gemstone, Tourmaline can be worn frequently without a lot of special care. Those seeking out a vibrant stone will see ours, at Azeera, are bright while often being iconic rose pink with a touch of purple – The Ideal Pink Tourmaline, can be cut into a diverse range of settings.

Pink Tourmaline ­– Maintenance


Pink tourmaline ranks at a 7 – 7.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, and has a rating of good in terms of toughness. Because it is not as durable as diamond and more durable than other stones like talc and gypsum, proper maintenance is necessary to make sure this gemstone does not damage nor become damaged while wearing.


No matter what type of gemstone you might have, it is always recommended that your jewelry be handled by its band or chain, not by the actual stone itself. This will prevent the gem from accumulating buildup of natural oils and other residue that are often transferred from the hands to the gem.

Exposure and Cleaning

Similar to other gemstones, pink tourmaline can accrue day-to-day residue, including oil, dirt, makeup and other deposits. Keep your stone in pristine condition by handling it as little as possible while completing daily tasks, including scrubbing dishes, applying any makeup with your fingers, spraying hairspray or perfume, cleaning the house, etc. A good thing to remember is: “Last in, first out.” You’ll also want to do some routine cleaning on this stone at home so you won’t have to have more intensive cleanings later on, which can take away many of the essential oils that give the stone its shine. Use these easy-to-follow cleaning steps for the best results:

  1. Perform an initial polish on the stone using a 100% cotton cloth. Do this before applying any water, as it will loosen up any caked-on residue or oils.
  2. Fill a bowl or sink with lukewarm water – an adequate amount that will completely submerge the stone. While the water pours into the container, mix in a teaspoon of mild liquid soap. If needed, place a towel or other protective material to the bottom of the sink to prevent any damage from the stone to the bowl.
  3. Soak the gem for a few minutes to allow dirt and oils to loosen.
  4. Use a soft-bristled makeup or jewelry brush to lightly clean the surfaces of the emerald. If you have multiple stones in one piece of jewelry, take special care to clean in each of the crevices and along the prong areas, so as to not miss any parts of the smaller stones.
  5. Rinse the stone with lukewarm water only. Do not use hot water. Repeat rinsing if necessary to ensure all soap and residue is removed.
  6. Dry your jewelry using a soft, 100% cotton towel. Try to avoid using your fingernails to get in each crevice.
  7. Put the gem in a safe, room-temperature place to dry to its entirety. The stone needs to be totally dry to wear.

Be careful not to use ultrasonic or steam cleaners on this gemstone, as it could damage it severely.

You may also want to visit a certified jeweler annually to have your gem thoroughly inspected and professionally polished. In doing so, you will ensure an even more intense brilliance in your pink tourmaline. If you can, be sure to have the jeweler examine the stone’s mounting and setting, too, to see if the stone needs resetting.


Pink tourmaline is a moderately hard gemstone, though may still be damaged and cause damage to other materials if not stored appropriately. If the stone is loosely stored with other less-durable gemstones, it will probably damage them. Similarly, if it is stored with a diamond or other very hard stone, it can become scratched or chipped. The best way to avoid this is to store each of your gemstones separately in compartmentalized boxes at room temperature.


If your pink tourmaline should become fractured or damaged, it is best advised that you take your gem to a professional for mending. This individual will have the proper knowledge of how to best repair your stone and not cause any further damage to its color or shape.

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