Reflecting fire and light, Diamond when cut and set properly allows the wearer a piece of jewelry that is pristine in its form. Our diamonds at Azeera are met with master craftsmanship, continuing a legacy of hundreds of years that can be passed down into your family for decades to come.
According to Indian Vedic Astrology, diamond is the designated gemstone that represents the planet venus – or Shukra Graha – and is the symbol of beauty and femininity.
Because Venus is deemed the planet of beauty, luxury and virtuosity, it is claimed that one who pairs well with Venus in his/her horoscope can achieve happiness in love and relationships while wearing the stone. However, the gem is more commonly known in astrology for its protective power rather than its beauty, as it is claimed to bring quick and effective results. It is considered a hot gem, advised to be worn by those native to the Zodiac signs Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius – specifically, poets, artists, actors, and perfume and ornament makers. The diamond gemstone – or Vajra – may increase one’s stamina, improve health, lengthen one’s lifespan, increase comfort, spark creativity, bring forth prosperity, and protect against evil spirits. Another belief is that diamonds are capable of many supernatural powers, including the ability to: claim victory over one’s enemies during a battle or quarrel; overpower lodestone and magnets of their natural pull; and more.
Vedic astrology also states that each varying color of the stone has a distinct application to each individual. They are as follows: